Year: 2023

Sunrise Island

Howdy and welcome back to my blog, for the last two weeks we have been learning about rocks, soil, animals and air. Our create was we had to make a world or an island and we could choose from making a map, paper mache, minecraft or a phyical diagram. I chose to make a map here is a picture of it.



On my map I have seven diffrent locations and a river they all have unique names there is the Rocky River, the Desert of Destany, Heartland city, the Red town, Timothy town, Hiking hills, the Land of the Lost and the feilds of food. We also had to right a blurb about what all the locatons are and how they relate to air, animals, soil and rocks. Here is my blurb!

Reading in Between the Lines

Howdy and welcome back to my blog, this week in reading we have been learning about reading between the lines. Do you know what reading between the lines is? Reading between the line is kind of like show not tell but you have to explain what is happening without saying what its about. We had to make a comic stip I made mine on canva and then put it on a drawing so you can see it. Hope you like it!!

Climate Change

Howdy and welcome back to my blog, this week in reading we are learning about global warming and climate change. We read some of a text called global action. Its about how the tempraters are rising and the earth is getting hotter and hotter. For our create we had to make a poster, speach or a video I chose a poster and then we had to explain what was happening and show what we know. We are also learning about diffrent writting structures in non-ficton text. Here is my DLO:

What could you do to stop climate change?

Wicked Writting

Howdy and welcome back to my blog, today I am going to be showing you my writting task. We had to pick from diffrent goals and the all can with a task I chose to do two and  I had to look at a picture and discribe it in 100 words my goal was Create content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task. I talked about the trees, the black cat, the owls an the house. I hope you like my writting.


Racing Rollercoasters

Howdy welcome back to my blog, this week we had to do a task board there were five diffrent diffrent task and I choose the one about rollercoasters. We had watch a video and read an article about rollercoaster, I learned alot about rollercoasters and I hope you can learn some stuff about them aswell but you can learn off my reading create. Our goal was: make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts. I hope you like it.


Magnificent Maths!!

Howdy and welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you my Magnificent maths. In maths we are learning about  patterns and algerbra our learning goal is – a pattern can be described using a rule or you can create a pattern from a rule. Our create was that we had to make a pattern and each new positon had to be diffrent and you are going to have to try and guess the pattern and the rule. We also had to make a table to show how much adds on each time. This was a quick and easy create but I hope you still like it.



Do you know how many circles would be on the next three patterns and remember to explain your thinking?

How can we be Champions of Peace?

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions of Peace’. 


Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are a dove, olive tree, victory sign, lavender, yin yang and a rainbow. These symbols represent peace because they all stand for things. Olive tree symbolize peace love and positive energy this is why why people pass away some people grow an live tree at there house in memory of them. With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because it has a dove and rainbow cow prints. I enjoy making this artwork and I think you should make one to.




We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about Lionel Messi, Micheal Jordan, Jesus and Saint Francis. I thought Jesus was a champion of peace because he cared for everything and everyone and he put others before himself. 

We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here.

I enjoyed learning about peace because we got to research diffrent kinds of prayers. The diffrent kinds of prayer I put on my slide were Buddhist, Hinduism, 2 catholic prays and a prayer that I wrote.

I learnt most of the prayers were about peace and the end of the prayer they all said diffrent things. I also think that it is quite cool that other religions are so diffrent to us and believe in different things.

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by when I am playing touch for school at the game I can have good sportsmanship and if the other team get a try I can congratulate them. 


Crazy Camp!!!

Howdy and welcome back to my blog. This week we went to camp we went to Wainui camp we left on monday and came back on wednesday afternoon. In my bunk room I had me, Sovarne, Kiriana, Lauren, Madison, Jules, Dakota, Freya and Georgia and in my activity group we had nine people which were Me, Sovarne, Kiriana, Hine, Bronte, Johan, Mac, James and Ollie. Our activity leader was Miss Angnew and Rosie. Our first activity was Coasteering and that was when I jumped of the big rock which was called papa bear it was very scary. I have created a Slideshow to showcase and reflect on my time at camp. I hope you enjoy reading my slide

Perfict Poems

Howdy, for the start of term 3 in writting we have been focasing on poems we are learning about Sonnets, list poems, limricks, blackout and biographical poems they were really fun to write so I hope you enjoy reading them.


List Poems: I discovered that a list poem is a poetic form that presents ideas, images, or emotions through a series of items or descriptions. It was interesting to find a topic and my topic was Peppa Pig. My order was favorite characters to least favorite characters. First I started with a brainstorm of all the characters then put them in order and figured out what I was going to write about. This was a fun poem to do. It is probably my favourite. This is what it looks like!! Hope you like it 🙂


Limericks: I learned that a limerick is a humorous five-line poem with a distinctive rhyme scheme and a bouncy rhythm. I also learned that the top two lines had to have 8 syllables and they have to rhyme and then the next two lines had to have 6 syllables and they also had to rhyme then the lucky last line had to rhyme with the top two line and also needed eight syllables, I enjoyed making this colorful and hanging out with my friend while I was writing it. It was super fun so I hope you enjoy it.


Blackout Poetry: I discovered that Blackout poetry is the art of selectively erasing words from existing texts to create new poetic compositions. It was interesting to do this because it had to make sense. So I did it off my Peppa Pig list poem. It was easy to make because I just read it over it and as I was reading I selected some words that would make sense in a sentence. Hope you like it!!! 🙂



Biographical Poetry:  I figured out the a biographical poem is a poem about someone or yourself I choose to right mine about Sovarne because she is a great friend. So the first line has to be there name, the second line is 3 things about them, the fourth line is daughter/son of …The fifth line is sister/brother of…. The sixth line is 3 things they love, the seventh line is 3 things of how they are feeling like happy, sad or loved. The eighth line is 3 things the need. The ninth line is who gives so like what they give you could do hugs, happiness, positive energy. The tenth line is what they fear, the eleventh line is what they would like to see, the next line is what they dislike. And the what country they are resident of. Then you can put in there last name or there nickname. I hope you like mine. 



Over the last two weeks:

I really enjoyed writting theese poems with my friends and making them nice and colourful.

I found it hard to think of a topic to do.

It surprised me that there are so many diffrent types of topics

I wondered how people came up with all theese weird names like Haiku, Limrick and sonnets. 

What is something new you learned about poetry from my blog?

Which poem stood out to you the most and why?



How to make a Squishy Circuit!!

Howdy folks.

For the start of term 3 we have been doing science experiments they are very fun and all of them are on using energy. We have been learning about renewable energy and non-renewable energy so we watched a video about it. Renewable energy is the energy comes from wind turbines, solar powers and plants etc. That is the energy that is good for you and the earth. Non- Renewable energy is coal, gases and nuclear energy so that means they are the kind of energy that areńt good for you or the earth. So that is why we have to try and use renewable. I will now show you how to make a squishy circuit that is good for the earth.

How to make a squishy circuit

What you need: 

  • Play Doh 
  • 9v battery 
  • Small led lights
  • Wires to connect to the battery and play doh

I think that if I make 2 play doh circles and push the wires in and turn on the battery then stick in the light the light will light up.

 These are the steps on how to do it: 

  1. Get your play dough and make two spheres/ circles
  2. Then push the wires into it so 1 in each circle
  3. Then push in your light bulb in nice and secure and if it doesn’t light up then turn the bulb the other way or switch the wires over. 

In my group I was with Sovarne and we got it to work it was super fun. I hope it worked for you. Do you enjoy science experiments? I know I do. 

  Credit: Stl motherhood