Excellent Estuaries

Howdy and welcome back to my blog today I am going to be showing you my animation on estuaries. We had to have a buddy and mine was Juliana it was very fun making the slide. We read a text and then had to do lots of tasks. It is on a Google slide here it is I hope you like it!


Do you know any specific animals that live in estuaries?

2 thoughts on “Excellent Estuaries

  1. Howdy Olivia,
    I love the way you have shown what you have been learning about in reading and what you had to do. Maybe next time you could add a bit more in your blog like what you were learning about Estuaries and what you enjoyed. I also like the way you have embedded your animation on your blog post instead of a screenshot with a link. Other than that your blog was really good.

  2. Hi Olivia,
    Looks like you have done a lot of learning about Estuaries. I especially love your background on your animation and the catchy title. Next time I would love to see some of your other tasks that you have been doing. One type of animal that lives in Estuaries are Kahawai fish. You have done an amazing blog! keep up the good work.
    – Lauren

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